LLB currently offers two types of coaching programs:
A 121, personalised program | A group program with others |
Both programs last between 6-12 weeks and costs vary.
We’ll focus on any aspects of life that feel unfulfilled for you including work, home, parenting, family, joy, purpose, love, health, connection, emotions, relationships, accomplishments and wellbeing (to name but a few)!
Change and Together both incorporate coaching psychology and the LLB 5-Step Method, helping guide and support you to thrive and live a wholly fulfilled life now and forever. In this Method, you will master:-
- Removal of Limitations – eradicate limitations holding you back
- Rock Solid Self-Belief – transform fears/opinions getting in your way
- Transformational Change – facilitate change from your core in beliefs, values & purpose
- Bulletproof Strategies – applying the exact strategies needed to facilitate growth
- Acting With Commitment – showing-up in authenticity and purpose
Change and Together differ in that Change is tailored specifically for you, your needs and your goals, and Together utilises the force of the collective to foster wellbeing, change and positive outcomes for all.
Transformational growth in both!

My Promises
- I will not PROMISE you success—this is out of my control.
- And I will not PROMISE you results—that’s up to you.
- I will PROMISE to see you as the powerful person I know—no matter what.
- I will PROMISE to see you as the powerful person I know—even when you forget to believe in yourself.
- I will PROMISE to see you as the powerful person I know—even when circumstances “seem” to be out of your control.
- You will know that — no matter what— there is someone over here who believes in how powerful and fulfilled you already are.
Your Investment
This a big investment – a 6-12 week commitment – and a certainty of personal growth and change. You will thrive and be fulfilled.
This opportunity will require you to invest your energy, time, money and dedication into creating something so powerful in your life that it will have a life-long impact for you and your family.
I work with those whose word is more powerful than any contract or document. And all compensation is non-refundable.
We only enter into a Program agreement when we are both a clear ‘Yessssssss’. Nothing less.
Then we begin…
Your next step
If you’re ready to explore whether becoming a Change or Together Program Ambassador is for you, then please get in touch. We’ll have an exploratory first 45minute call – free of charge – to see it we’re a fit together…
Get in touch – I look forward to hearing from you.